Monday, November 06, 2006

San Antonio Adventures

I'm on day three of my San Antonio adventure, and things have taken a definite upswing.

First, I found three vegetarian restaurants to try. Last night I had a giant plate of grilled vegetables for dinner! The veggies, which included tomatoes, tomatillos, zuchinni, mushrooms, peppers, onions, broccoli and cauliflower, clearly had some olive oil and pesto on them, but it was a lot better than some of the other options on the Riverwalk, like enchiladas and fettucini alfredo.

Second, I took a cab ride to Whole Foods Market. $40 round trip for $50 worth of groceries, but I'm glad I did it. I bought fresh fruit, veggies, salad fixings and Lara Bars. I'm so happy to have food I can eat! The cab driver was very funny, telling us stories about San Antonio's past and about how the Alamo is haunted.

Tonight is a "dinner with friends" event at the conference. We decided to go back to Boudro's, which is where we ate on Saturday. (I'm just now realizing how lucky we were... we got there at the prime dinner hour, and while everyone else was waiting an hour and a half, we got seated immediately and we were served some fantastic, wonderful, amazing food by a very skilled and charming waiter.) Tonight there are about 25 people going. I can't wait to have guacamole again! It was fantastic. I will probably try the vegetable enchiladas tonight, if I can get them to hold the cheese for me.

I didn't get much sleep last night. There was an impressive thunder and lightning storm at around 3:00 a.m. that lasted for an hour. I couldn't see the lightning bolts from my room, but the whole sky would flash a brilliant white and the thunder would sound almost immediately. It was really wild for this Oregon girl!

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