Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Cone of Stillness

Miss Maisy's blue donut was not sufficient to keep her from bothering her wounds. She figured out nearly immediately that she could still itch them with a rear paw, so we put a sock on her paw. Then she figured out she could reach the sock while still wearing the donut, so she has graduated to the dreaded Cone of Stillness.

In many parts of the world, this unique torture device goes by the name "Elizabethan Collar". Not so much in our house, for it has a function far more interesting than fashion. When Maisy wears it, she is rendered utterly immobile! When we pull it over her head she freezes, and stays in the same exact position until we remove the device.

Today, in addition to the fashionable Cone, she is also sporting a sock with pink Vet Wrap and a bandage over her holes where the tumors used to be. She finds this whole arrangement quite demeaning. I hope it isn't required for long.

I hope she heals quickly.

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