Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Four down!

Well I'm officially BACK to eating ETL style. And you know what? It works!

I have lost four of the six pounds I gained during my days of indescretion. I've also found a couple of great new soup recipes. One for cauliflower cream soup, and one for creamy tomato soup. The weather has been icky here and good soups are just the ticket.

I also decided I love Whole Foods Market. They sell braising greens, in bulk! I tried some this week and they were soooooooo good. I can't wait to go back and get more.

My Mood Light is still NOT here. It has now been 38 days since I ordered it. That seems plenty long enough to me. (Actually, it seems rediculous and I am quite irritated about it.) I may call tomorrow and cancel my order.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Awesome news! I too am back on track after being led astray at my conference in Boston.

Everyone is raving about the tomato soup and the cauliflower soup... I must try it soon!

Hope your doggies are doing well!