Friday, October 27, 2006

Food Diary - October 27th

Why do I let that number on the scale sabotage my good eating? I got up this morning to see the same number I saw yesterday morning. And for whatever reason, I decided that was the perfect excuse to eat poorly today. What a stupid thing to do!

Grapefruit, apple, banana
Trail mix at 10:00 because I was really, really nauseous from my cold medicine, and food is the only thing that helps, and trail mix was the best thing I could find.

A giant green salad with some chicken, peas and a little bit of dressing on the side.

I made up for my bad lunchtime behavior by eating pretty darned well at dinner, considering that I was at our favorite local steak and pasta joint. We decided to go out because I am still fighting this cold and we have no food and home and I'm too tired to cook anyway. I tried to talk hubby into the thai place, where I could get hot & sour spicy veggie soup for my cold, but he wanted spaghetti and meatballs. So I had a giant green salad and some steamed vegetables in marinara, and one small piece of garlic bread. Not bad, all things considered.

Now I have to decide whether to start a new five day challenge tomorrow, when I'm spending my day at the children's fair and finding good for you food will be a challenge and there will be junk everywhere. Or, do I wait until I'm past this cold and feeling better, and I have the energy to shop and cook?

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