Saturday, February 10, 2007

Getting back in the groove

Here's the funny thing about Eating to Live... while you're doing it, you might not realize what a difference it makes. You certainly feel better. You have more energy and fewer illnesses and aches and pains.

But really understanding what a difference it makes comes as a result of falling off the wagon. I know this because it's what happened to me over the holidays. And with both DH and I working full time and going to school right now, while still trying to keep up with all of our other commitments and activities, eating well has taken a back seat to everything else.

We feel like crap!

And then this week the refrigerator shut down after a power outage, and all of its contents were ruined. What a perfect time to start ETL again! I took it as a sign. So this morning I'm off to Costco to buy lots of frozen berries and fresh greens. And then I'll come home and make some soup. And life will be good again!

1 comment:

Almost Vegetarian said...

Oh that is so true. I find that different foods have an almost immediate impact on how I feel and perform. The most obvious are water (alert) and sugar (terrible sugar high, then low). It gives me such incentive to eat well.
